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PoliticalPunjab News

Not contesting Punjab Assembly polls, says BKU leader Gurnam Singh Charuni

Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU), Haryana chief Gurnam Singh Charuni on Thursday said that he will not be contesting Punjab polls but gathering people to contest and present a model of governance. While speaking to ANI, Charuni said, “I am not contesting Punjab polls but gathering people to contest and present a model (of governance). We will form our own party for polls if our government comes in Punjab. Entire country in 2024 (national) polls will look up to the Punjab model.” “We are running ‘Mission Punjab’- those who have votes should rule, and not the ones who have money. If the former rules, laws will be made in voters’ favour but if it is the latter, then laws will be made in favour of the wealthy,” he added

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