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CongressNational NewsPolitical

More trouble, Rahul Gandhi may meet Harish Rawat, Ganesh Godiyal

With Uttarakhand Congress president Ganesh Godiyal on Thursday saying like veteran Harish Rawat, he also felt neglected over the organisational matters, party leader Rahul Gandhi is expected to meet the dissident camp here on Friday.

Sources said Rahul could meet Rawat and Godiyal to sort out problems riling the state unit with polls due in Uttarakhand early next year.

After Rawat yesterday said he felt abandoned by the party leadership, Godiyal on Thursday said, “I have the same feelings as Rawat, but I hope my anxieties will be addressed by the party.” Rawat and Godiyal are learnt to be upset with the AICC state incharge Devendra Yadav. Further, Rawat is also looking for an assurance that he would be the CM face should the party win the 2022 elections. In a series of tweets yesterday, Rawat said he felt fatigued and wanted to rest but at the same time did not feel like retreating from the battlefield of elections. — TNS

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