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Punjab News

Punjab Revenue Officers decide not to cooperate any Vigilance /Police probe , not to send any record until…Read Details

Chandigarh, December 26, 2021:Punjab Punjab Revenue Officers have decided not to cooperate any probe initiated by Vigilance Bureau or Police  without prior sanction of FCR Punjab. They have also decided not to send any record without proper approval of district collector .The decisions were taken in the meeting of the Revenue Officers Association Punjab (PROA) held on Saturday to discuss important issues being faced by members.

Another issue of work boycott, against abolition of some pay allowances and reduction of salaries, by the Joint Employees Front consists of Revenue Kanugo Association, the Revenue Patwari Union, PSMSU, DCEOU etc on 28 & 29 Dec 2021 is also discussed.It is unanimously resolved to support their common cause of pay scales and decided that all the members of PROA will cooperate them by abstaining all type of work on 28 & 29 Dec 2021. All the District units will inform this decision to respective DCs.


was also passed by the association where it is decided that:

1.        No DRO, Tehhsildar, Naib Tehsildar, without prior sanction of FCR Punjab, will join or cooperate in any enquiry, inquiry & investigation by Vigilance or District Police.

2.        No DRO, Tehhsildar, Naib Tehsildar, without proper approval of district collector (DC), will send any record of registration, mutation or Zamabandi to police or vigilance.

3.        No DRO, Tehhsildar, Naib Tehsildar, without proper approval  of district collector (DC) will mark any document to subordinate Patwari, Kanugo or Clerk for presenting any statement or record to these agencies

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