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International News

Radicalisation in Pakistan promotes extremism and violence: Report

Pakistan News

Pakistan’s influence of extremist ideology has increased with radical elements dominating the violence in the society.

The threat from extremism in Pakistan comes from the Taliban insurgency to militant organisations to individuals who wish to join a mob-burning a man alive without actually getting into the depth of why the person was being targeted, according to an opinion piece in News International. Pakistan society’s inclination towards intolerance has come under the scanner with the recent “execution” Sri Lankan in Sialkot. The article said that Sialkot killing manifests Pakistan’s extremism as it is considered not just an overtly expressed set of behaviours, but a thought process as well which can translate into action.

Though extremism may not necessarily happen in the case of many citizens of Pakistan exposed to this phenomenon, the potential for instilling extremist ideals which may translate into action cannot be ignored, as seen “in the mob execution” of a Sri Lankan national recently, according to the article in News International. On the other hand, despite the attention to radicalisation as a precursor to terrorism or even a ‘root cause’ of terrorism and socio-political violence, it is widely agreed that radicalisation predisposes violence, , it does not necessarily have to necessitate it.

Meanwhile, Pakistan young population happens to be the breeding ground for the recruitment of extremist ideology. The youth bulge of Pakistan’s population between ages 15-24 is estimated at 36 million, while a staggeringly high number of 58 million individuals are below the age of 15. The above youth population gravitates towards radicalisation because there is high unemployment and income disparity innate in the Pakistan society, the article noted. Pakistan’s poorer households tend to have a higher number of children on average, especially in rural areas where the scope of extremism is high, it said, adding that the country’s poor population below the poverty line “is ripe cause for violence and extremism”. (ANI)

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