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Google Search Console Announcements Bar Test


Google Search Console had this new bar at the top of the Search Console interface with announcements. It showed three types of announcements; informational, minor issue and major issue announcements. These showed up in blue, yellow and red respectively.

It is now gone, it was some sort of feature that Google did not want to be visible but if you missed it, here is what it looked like.

Here is a screenshot of them from yesterday when I covered it at Search Engine Land – click on the image to enlarge:

Google Search Console

John Mueller from Google said “If anyone else is seeing this in Search Console, this is a test on our side of the notification functionality that shouldn’t have been visible externally — sorry for the confusion.” So I guess this was just a test:Here are some of the people who saw it early, around 3pm ET on December 28th:I assume this will be used to communicate important announcements to all of us. They do not see to be site specific, but who knows…

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